Other topic


Others contains special code parts of the project that do not fit into any other category.


CustomThemeData Other
Object containing design constants for the ReVoiceMe app.
ReVoiceMe Other
The main widget of the ReVoiceMe app.
VoiceChangeDemo Global Other
A concept demonstration for the voice changing feature.
VoiceChangeDemoEvent Other
The (abstract) class for all events in VoiceChangeDemo.
VoiceChangeDemoState Other
The state model of VoiceChangeDemo.


routes → const Map<String, ({IconData icon, String path, String text})> Other
Static data about the routes of the ReVoiceMe app. Contains the path, text and icon for each route.


router GoRouter Other
The router for the different screens of the ReVoiceMe app.


buildThemeData(BuildContext context) ThemeData Other
The default theme for the ReVoiceMe app.